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FileDescriptionFile sizeLast modified
Download this file ( version 20110328704 kBJul 07, 2011

This firmware can only be used for devices that are currently running the firmware version 20100903!


  • Never turn off your unit during the firmware update procedure. This may damage your device! If the upgrade fails (e.g. power supply failure during firmware update), you may not be able to operate your device anymore.
  • This firmware is only for the model(s) as mentioned above. DO NOT use this firmware for any other devices!


How to update the firmware

The firmware update function in the GUI is only available for units running firmware version 20100903 or above!

  1. Store the firmware on your computer and unzip it.
  2. Login to your device as administrator and go to Preferences.
  3. Select Firmware Upgrade.
  4. Click Upload New Firmware Upgrade File.
  5. Select the new firmware (*.bin file).
  6. The progress bar indicates the status of the upload. After it has reached 100%, the update process starts. DO NOT interrupt the update process and DO NOT turn off the power until it is completed!
  7. Once the firmware update is completed, the progress bar disappears.
  8. Restart your device.
  9. Done!