For our latest products, please visit the OWC website at

Supported products:

FileDescriptionFile sizeLast modified
Download this file (thunder3_dock_pro_history.txt)Firmware HistoryHistory of previous changes0.3 kBMay 21, 2020
Download this file (GL3227-FW1621-macOS.pkg)Mac Updater (SD card reader)Firmware version 1621 for macOS 10.13 and later193 kBMay 21, 2020
Download this file ( Updater (SD card reader)Firmware version 1621 for Windows 101734 kBMay 21, 2020


  • Temporarily disconnect any devices that are connected to the Thunder3 Dock Pro (e.g. other Thunderbolt devices or USB devices).


  • Never turn off your unit during the firmware update procedure. This may damage your device! If the upgrade fails (e.g. power failure during firmware update), it may brick your device.
  • This firmware is only for the AKiTiO products mentioned above. DO NOT use this firmware for any other devices!
  • Make sure the device to be udpated is the only one currently connected to the computer.